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School Information


Principal: Angela Siwik
Secretary: Samantha Grygiel

Dean of Academic Achievement: Karen Taylor

Administration Office: (440) 439-4227
Fax: (440) 439-3487

Glendale School Clinic
440-439-4227 ext. 6736

Attendance Line

School hours are 8:25am to 3:10pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Students dismiss at 2:20 every Wednesday. 

Glendale Primary School

400 W. Glendale Avenue, Bedford , OH 44146


Built in 1924 with additions in 1953, 1959, and 1966, Glendale Primary School is one of two primary schools in the Bedford City School District. The school provides educational services to approximately 300 children in preschool through grade two. These children reside in the communities of Bedford, Bedford Heights, Oakwood, and Walton Hills which are located in the southeast part of Cuyahoga County.

Faculty and Staff
All teachers at Glendale School are certified in the areas that they are teaching and have either completed a Masters program or are currently pursuing their next degree. Other members of our teaching staff include a guidance counselor, psychologist, speech-language therapists, and occupational and physical therapists. Our support staff includes our school social worker, social-emotional learning interventionist, mental health therapist, paraprofessionals, teacher aides, librarian, secretary, office assistant, custodial and cafeteria staff, a nurse.

If your child is absent from school, we strongly urge you to call the Main Office before 9:00 a.m. at 440-439-4227. Your child's teachers will be notified of the absence. Please state the reason and anticipated length of this absence. We ask that you do this for the safety of your child. We will contact you if your child is listed on the absence sheet and we have not heard from you. Upon your child's return to school, please send an absence excuse. Students are responsible for the timely completion of work missed due to absences.

Bus Transportation:
Transportation of our students is a large, complex operation. Completion of a 'Change in Transportation' form and approval from the Transportation Department are required if a parent/guardian desires a change from the regular bus or the original stop. For a one-day change, students are permitted to change transportation arrangements with written permission from a parent/guardian. All requests must be submitted to the Main Office for approval by the principal before 3:00 p.m. Change in transportation for the day must be called into the Main Office at least one hour before the end of the school day.

We encourage parents/guardians to administer medication before and after school; however, if a student must bring medication to school, the following requirements must be met:

    The parent/guardian and the child's physician must complete a request form before any prescription or non-prescription medication can be given to your child at school.
    All medication must be in the original, childproof container.
    Each container must have an affixed and legible label with the child's name, name of the medication, dosage, and time of administration.
    A new request must be made each school year and, as necessary, for changes in the medication order.
    The medication should be brought to the main office by the parent/guardian.

Parent Notification System:
Each week, an automated telephone and e-mail message will be sent to families announcing upcoming events and activities.  Anyone wishing to change the telephone number or e-mail address should contact the Main Office.

School Colors:
Glendale School's colors are green and white.

Formal Testing Information:
Kindergarten students are given the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) within the first two weeks of the school year. Results are shared with families afterwards and during parent-teacher conferences.

Students in grades kindergarten through grade two are assessed using the computerized iReady diagnostic for Reading/Language Arts and Math three times annually. iReady provides students, parents/guardians and teachers with accurate assessments of students' progress in mastering basic skills, which align closely with grade-level content standards established by the Ohio Department of Education. Parents receive information about their child's performance on these assessments during parent-teacher conferences.

Students in grades K-2 are also administered the DIBELS assessment three times per year, which includes various components to assess different components of reading.